Welcome to the Muhlenberg County Health Department
The Muhlenberg County Health Department mission is to prevent illness and injury, promote good health and a assure a safe environment to protect and improve the health of our citizens. Our vision for the community of Muhlenberg County is to have a healthy and safe environment which allows all children and adults to live so that they are able to prosper physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially in the pursuit of their purpose and dream for their lives.
2023 Muhlenberg County Mini-Resource Directory
View the Muhlenberg County Health Assessment
Public Notice
The Muhlenberg County Health Department and the Public Health Taxing District financial statements, adopted budgets, and the most recent financial audits for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, may be examined by the public at the Muhlenberg County Health Department Administration Building at 107 Legion Drive, Central City, Kentucky 42330. Published in accordance with KRS 65A.080(2).
Open Board of Health Meetings